Accounting - Vendors

Modified on Thu, 6 Jul, 2023 at 3:04 AM


Consultants: Consultants are individual vendors, who have approached the organization as a candidate and are referred as consultants. These consultants can either be placed with the organization, or can be placed under a Project. The details of the Consultants are directly drawn from HRM.

I. Adding a Consultant

To add a consultant, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the Consultants option from the Add a Vendor link available in the Vendors home page. The system refreshes and displays the following screen:

  1. In the above screen:

A. Click “select an existing Candidate” link. The system displays the Search for Candidates screen with Candidates, Applicants and Hiring Management options:

  • The above search screen allows you to search for the candidates from the following sections of the application: Candidates, Applicants, and Hiring Management.
    • Selecting theCandidates option displays all the activeCRM – Candidates who do not have a recruiter contact.
    • Selecting the Applicantsoption displays only applicant records. Applicants that are added to CRM usingAdd to CRM link will not be displayed under Applicants, but are displayed as candidates under Candidates option.
    • Selecting the Hiring Management option displays all the applicants who are forwarded fromApplicant Tracking. Applicants that are added to CRM using Add to CRM link and who are forwarded to Hiring Management are displayed under Candidates option.
  • Select the required option and the candidates belonging to the selected option will be displayed in theSearch for Candidates screen.
  • You can also have an option to search the candidates by Name.
  • Select any existing candidate by clicking on the candidate name. The system displays the Add Candidate screen by populating the selected candidate information. Now, click on Save to save the candidate (Consultants) details, the system refreshes by displaying the candidate record in theVendors home page.

B. Click “Create a new Consultant” link. The system displays the Add Candidate screen. Enter the required details of the candidate and click on Save to save the candidate. The system refreshes by displaying the new consultant record in the Vendors home page.

Note: The added candidate (Consultant) record will be displayed in HRM – Employee Management as 1099employee.


II. Editing a Consultant

To edit a consultant,

  1. Highlight the desired record in the Vendors home page and double click on it. The system displays the record in edit mode.
  2. Modify the required changes and click on Update to save the new changes.


III. Creating Bills for Consultants

To create bill for the consultant, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a consultant from the Vendors home page. The newly created consultant will be treated as 1099 employee.
  2. Create an assignment for this employee and create a time sheet as well for the same employee and approve it. Once this is done, go to Accounting->Vendors->Create Bills->Consultants – Here select a consultant and specify the bills details and click on Save link to create a bill.


Consulting Vendors under Accounting refers to vendors, who have supplied their candidates to the organization as contractors. The received contractors are placed under a Project for the organization’s customers. The details of Consulting Vendors are directly drawn from HR.


I. Adding a Consulting Vendor

  1. Select the Consulting Vendor option from the Add a Vendor link available in the Vendorshome page. The system refreshes and displays the Consulting Vendor screen:

  1. In the above screen:

A. Clicking on ‘select an existing company’ link displays the Search for Company screen with options to select CRM – Companies and Accounting – Customers.

  • In the above screen, you can search and select the CRM-Company orAccounting-Customerfor creating the new consulting vendor.
  • Selecting the CRM Companies option will display all the CRM – Companies that are not present in Consulting Vendors.
  • Selecting theAccounting Customers option will display all the Accounting – Customers that are not present in Consulting Vendors.

B. Clicking on ‘Create a new Consulting Vendor‘ link will display the Consulting Vendor screen to create a new consulting vendor, as shown below:

  • Specify the new consulting vendor details in the above screen.
  • Click Add Contact link available in the Company Contacts section to add contacts.
  • Click Add Candidate link available in the Company Candidates section to add candidates to the consulting vendor. It is mandatory to add candidate(s) to the consulting vendor. 

    In the new consulting vendor screen,

    1. Click on Add Candidate link in the Company Candidates section. The system displays the following screen:
    2. In the above screen, click on select an existing Candidate link. The system displays the Search for Candidates screen:
    3. The above search screen allows you to search for the candidates from the following sections of the application:Candidates, Applicants, Hiring Management and Employee Management.

      • Selecting theCandidatesoption displays all the activeCRM – Candidates who do not have a recruiter contact.
      • Selecting the Applicants option displays only applicant records. Applicants that are added to CRM using Add to CRM link will not be displayed under Applicants, but are displayed as candidates under Candidates option.
      • Selecting the Hiring Management option displays all the applicants who are forwarded from Applicant Tracking. Applicants that are added to CRM using Add to CRM link and who are forwarded to Hiring Management are displayed under Candidates option.
      • Selecting the Employee Management option displays all the “1099” and “C-to-C”employees who do not have a vendor. (No information is populated in HRM – Employee Management – HR Data Tab – Tax Deductions screen).

    1. Select the required option and the candidates belonging to the selected option will be displayed in the Search for Candidates screen.
    2. You can also have an option to search the candidates by Name.
    3. Select any existing candidate by clicking on the candidate name. The system displays the Add Candidate screen by populating the selected candidate information. Now, click on Save to save the candidate details, the system refreshes by displaying the candidate in the Company Candidates section.
  • Note: When you click on Create a new Candidate link. The system displays the Add Candidate screen. Enter the required details of the candidate and click on Save to save the candidate. Once saved, the candidate record will be displayed in:

    • Company Candidates section of the Consulting Vendor screen.
    • HRM – Employee Management as C-to-C employee.

Note: If you select an existing CRM – Company or Accounting – Customer associated with CRM – Company and if the company contacts have associated candidates (Candidates with Recruiter Contact), then by default those candidates will be displayed in the Company Candidates section.

  • Click Save. The system refreshes and displays the new consulting vendor in the Vendors home page and the added candidate(s) for the vendor will be displayed in the HRM – Employee Management asC-to-C employees along with vendor information populated in the Tax Deductions section.
  • Click Close link to close the Consulting Vendor screen.


  • When you update the vendor information in HRM – Employee Management - Tax Deductions section, then the updated information will be reflected in the corresponding Consulting Vendor in the Vendorshome page and vice versa.
  • If you update the company information either from CRM – Companies / Accounting – Customers, then the corresponding employees Tax Deductions sections will get updated. This will be applicable only if the employees are of C-to-C type and there exists an association between CRM – Companies andAccounting – Customers.



  1. If you add a candidate to consulting vendor and save, then the corresponding consulting vendor company information will be populated in the HRM – Employee Management – Tax Deductions section under C-to-C tax option for the added candidate.
  2. In HRM – Employee Management – When you change the tax type option for a C-to-Cemployee, the system displays the following message:

In the above screen:

    • Click OK to remove the association between the candidate and its corresponding consulting vendor.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the alert message and return back to Tax Deductions screen.
  1. In HRM – Hiring Management – When you hire a candidate as C-to-C employee with the company information entered in the Tax Deductions section, the system will display the company as Consulting Vendor with corresponding employee as C-to-C in the Vendorshome page. If you do not specify the company information in HRM – Hiring Management – Tax Deductions section, no consulting vendor will be created. The hired candidate will be displayed in the Candidate Search screen for adding into Consulting Vendor.
  2. When you delete a candidate associated with a Consulting Vendor, the tax type option for the deleted candidate is displayed as None in the HRM – Employee Management.


II. Editing a Consulting Vendor

To edit a consulting vendor,

  1. Highlight the desired record in the Vendors home page and double click on it. The system displays the record in edit mode.
  2. Modify the required changes and click on Update to save the new changes. Make sure that you have the candidates added for the consulting vendor to update it.
  3. Click Close to close the consulting vendor screen. If the vendor doesn’t have any candidates added, then clicking Close link will remove the consulting vendor from the Vendors home page.


III. Creating Bills for Consulting Vendors

To create bills for the consulting vendors, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a new Consulting Vendor: While creating a new consulting vendor, you are required to add the candidates for the consulting vendor which will be treated as C-to-Cemployees in the application.
  2. Once you have successfully created a consulting vendor by adding the candidates (C-to-C Employees). Create an assignment for the C-to-C employee and also create a new time sheet for the employee and approve it.
  3. Once the assignment is created and time sheet is approved, go to Vendors->Create Bills->Consulting vendor – Here select the consulting vendor name from the drop-down list. The system refreshes and displays the Create Bills screen.
  4. In the Create Bills screen, select the items and its corresponding service dates and also specify the bill amount details and finally click on Save link to create the bill.
  5. Once the bill is saved, it displays in Receive Bills section and then in Bills History.


In AkkenCloud Staffing, the term General Vendors under Accounting refers to the specific type of vendors, who are common suppliers of all purpose goods to the organization. To explain in brief, these vendors can either be some merchants, who will supply or take care of any general services for the organization.


I. Adding a General Vendor

  1. Select the General Vendor option from the Add a Vendor link available in the Vendorshome page. The system refreshes and displays the screen to add the general vendor.
  2. Enter the required details in the general vendor screen and click on Save to save the new general vendor. The system refreshes and displays the newly created vendor in the Vendorshome page.


II. Editing General Vendor

  1. Highlight the desired record in the Vendors home page, and double click on it. The system displays the record in edit mode.
  2. Modify the required changes and click on Update to save the new changes.


III. Creating Bills for General Vendors

To create bills for general vendors, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Accounting->Vendors – Click on Create Bills sub-module available under theVendors module. The system refreshes and displays the Create Bills screen.
  2. In the Create Bills screen, by default General Vendors will be selected as Vendor Type. Select the Vendor Name from the Vendor Name drop-down list. The system refreshes and displays the screen with the vendor details.
  3. Select the items to be billed for general vendors or create a new item by clicking on Add New Item link if there are no items available in the Item drop-down list. Specify all the required bill details and click on Save link to create the bill. Before clicking Save, click onRecalculate link to recalculate the billed amount.
  4. Click on Cancel to cancel the Create Bills screen.
  5. Once the bill is saved, it disappears from the Create Bills section and displays in Receive Bills section.
  6. In the Receive Bills section, open the bill that is created and click on Save link. The system saves the bill and displays it in Bills History section.
  7. In the Bills History section, you can open the created bills and view the history details.
  8. To pay for the created bills, go to Pay Bills section and select the vendor for whom you want to pay the bill. The system refreshes and displays the bill details for the selected vendor.
  9. Select the bill details record and also specify to which bank account the pay has to be delivered and finally click on Pay Bill link. The system refreshes by paying the bill to the concerned vendor.
  10. You can see the bill paid details in the Bill Payment Register.


Select the Vendors link from menu bar, or from the left menu to display the Vendors home page. The screen refreshes by displaying the Vendors’ home page.

  1. In the Vendors home page, you can view the list of vendors and their corresponding due amounts, who are associated with your organization.
  2. The Add a Vendor is a link. It contains the following options: General Vendor, Consulting Vendor and Consultant.
  3. The details of the vendors are displayed under the following columns: Vendor, Type, ($) current, ($) 1-30, ($) 31- 60, ($) 61-90, ($) > 90 and ($) Total Due.
  4. Columns like ($) current, ($) 1-30, ($) 31- 60, ($) 61-90 and ($) > 90 will display the amounts that are due for that particular period. All the amounts that are due will be displayed as a link. You can click on a link to view the payment particulars.
  5. The Total Due column will display the total amount due from the corresponding vendor.
  6. Total Due can be calculated as follows: ($) Total due = ($) current + ($) 1-30 + ($) 31- 60 + ($) 61-90 + ($) > 90.
  7. Clicking on a link (as displayed in the ($) current, ($) 1-30, ($) 31- 60, ($) 61-90 and ($) > 90 columns) will display the payments that are due from the customer. These columns will display the receivables like the list of invoices for a particular period and the payments received for those invoices. You can click on a Bill or Pay Bill record in the Vendor Payables screen to view its corresponding bill or pay bill details.
  8. To view the details of the due amount that has to be paid to the vendors, click on the respective amount link corresponding to each vendor name. The screen refreshes by displaying the details of the payments that are due to be paid to the vendor.
  9.  In order to view the details of the vendor, highlight the desired record, and double click on the record. The screen refreshes by displaying the details of the selected vendor.
  10. Irrespective of the vendor type, the Vendors menu provides the following features:

· Create Bills

· Receive Bills

· Bills History

· Pay bills


Vendors feature in Accounting is an essential feature, which allows you to interrelate with the organization’s vendors, in order to keep track of the financial transactions of the various vendors of the organization.

AkkenCloud Staffing allows you to do the financial dealings of the organization with the vendors in a very comfortable manner with the help of Vendors feature in Accounting. With respect to Accounting in this application, Vendors can be categorized as three types. They are:

  • General Vendors: General Vendors under Accounting refers to the specific type of vendors, who are common suppliers of all-purpose goods to the organization. To explain in brief, these vendors can either be some merchants, who will supply or take care of any general services for the organization.
  • Consulting Vendors (C-to-C): Consulting Vendors under Accounting refers to vendors, who have supplied their candidates to the organization as contractors. The received contractors are placed under a Project for the organization’s customers. The details of Consulting Vendors are directly drawn from HR.
  • Consultants (1099): Consultants are individual vendors, who have approached the organization as a candidate and are referred as consultants. These consultants can either be placed with the organization, or can be placed under a Project. The details of the Consultants are directly drawn from HR.

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