Calendar Setup
To create your activities or engagements using calendar, first calendar setup must be done. The calendar setup assists you to organize your preferences such as working hour’s specification, calendar view, etc.
Once the calendar setup is done, you can update it whenever required. Select Collaboration > Calendar from menu bar. The screen refreshes by displaying Calendar screen. Select the Calendar Setup from screen.
To setup your calendar:
- Set your typical day working hours. Select the start and end time of your working day in the My date starts at field and ends at field from the drop down list.
- Select the default view of your calendar by selecting the appropriate radio button. You can select Day/Week/Month view as your default view. The calendar screen will be configured according the view you select here.
- Specify the interval for the calendar from the Interval drop down list.
- Select the applicable time zone in the Time Zone field from the drop down list.
- In the Reminder Setup field, select the ‘Notify me’ checkbox and select the amount of time before the reminder event needs to be setup.
- Click on the ‘Save’ link to save the calendar setup. The Calendar screen refreshes by displaying the Calendar home page.
- Click on the ‘Cancel’ link to cancel and return to the previous page.
Tip to Setup Time Zone in AkkenCloud Staffing
To setup time zone in AkkenCloud Staffing, perform the following steps:
- In the Calendar home page, click on the Setup link. The system refreshes and displays the calendar preferences screen.
- Select the required time zone from the Time Zone drop down list and click on Update link to update the selected time zone.
Calendar provides three different views – The Day view, the Week view,and the Month view. You can select default view in Calendar setup. Irrespective of the calendar view you have chosen as default, all the days in the calendar includes ‘quick links’.
- The Day view gives you full screen perspective of that day events and helps for scheduling on open time slots. You can just click and select the time range to add a schedule.
- The Week view gives you full screen perspective of that week and helps for scheduling on any day of that week. You can also view the list of activities scheduled on the day and update the same.
- The Month view gives you full screen perspective of that month and helps for scheduling on any day of that month. You can view the list of activities scheduled on any day of the month and update the same.
- In the Calendar home page:
- Clicking on the ‘Week link’ displays the Week view.
- Clicking on the ‘Month link’ displays the Month view.
- Click on << and >> links to go to the previous and next day/week/month.
The calendar screen is configured according to the default view you have selected in the calendar setup. Irrespective of the default view you have chosen, clicking on the day link changes the calendar screen appearance as shown in the figure below:
Calendar screen description:
- The top right corner of the calendar screen displays View Others drop-down list, which displays the list of employees. You can select the employee name to view his/her calendar. The selected employee’s calendar is displayed.
- When you select other employee’s calendar for viewing, to go back to your own calendar click on the ‘My Calendar’ option available in the drop-down list. Your calendar is displayed.
- The left side of the calendar screen contains the calendar. The calendar contains the view links – Day, Week and Month. Selecting the view link displays the respective view by refreshing the page. For instance, if you select week link, the screen refreshes by displaying the week view. The Selected view is highlighted.
- Use << and >> links to go to previous and next month from the selected month.
- The calendar includes quick links to all the days in a month except the current day. Selecting the required day allows you to schedule your engagements on that day.
- To have an updated view of any event or activity, you can use the VIEW button. Select the Day, Month and Year in the respective fields and click on VIEW. The Calendar screen refreshes by displaying the events or activities based on the updation.
- The right side of the calendar screen displays the selected date, month and year in the Calendar.
- The calendar grid in the right side of the calendar screen displays only the time slots. The user can now create an appointment for a minimum time range of 15 minutes. The user can create multiple appointments in a single time range in the Calendar home page.
- To quickly add an event from Calendar screen,enter the name of the event or calendar activity in theSubject text box and click Create.
- Specify the Date and Time by selecting from the respective drop-down lists and click on the ‘More Options’ link. The Calendar screen refreshes by displaying the new appointment screen with the entered information populated. You can edit the appointment details if required and click Save to save the appointment.
- Selecting the Private check box allows you to disable the visibility of your calendars appointments for other users of the application.
- The Calendar screen allows the users to browse calendar events in a future month by selecting that month.
- Click on Refresh link to refresh all the calendar events available in the Calendar home page.
- Click on Today link to get back to the current date if you were in the previous calendar dates.
- The system now displays the user working hour’s time slots in bold and color font in the Calendar home page. The user can set the working hours in Collaboration – Calendar – Setup screen.
- When the user creates a calendar event on any previous dates, the system now prompts the user with the following alert message:
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In the above message:
- Clicking “Yes” will create a new calendar event.
- Clicking “No” will allow the user to change the date or time for the calendar event. This would prevent the user from creating the calendar events in wrong time slots.
To modify the calendar setup:
1. On the Calendar screen, click on the ‘Setup’ link to modify the calendar setup details. The Calendar screen refreshes by displaying the calendar setup details to modify.
2. Modify the calendar setup details.
3. Click on the ‘Update’ link to update the calendar setup details. The Calendar Setup screen refreshes by saving.
4. Click on the ‘Cancel’ link to cancel and return to the previous page.
Add a New Calendar Item
To add a new calendar item, do the following:
- Go to Collaboration – Calendar home page – In the Calendar home page, click and drag the mouse to select the time range. The system refreshes and displays the New Appointment screen with the start time and end time populated in the Start Time and End Time drop-down lists.
- For example, if the user selects the appointment time range between 2:30AM and 4:30AM, then the new appointment screen populates the start time as 02:30AM and end time as 04:30AM in the Start Time and End Time drop-down lists.
- Enter the required details in the new appointment screen and click Save to save the new appointment. The system refreshes and displays the newly created appointment in theCalendar home page.
- The user can now create an appointment for a minimum time range of 15 minutes.
- The user can create multiple appointments in a single time range and select categories in the Calendar home page.
- While creating a new appointment, if the user selects any guests from the Invite list box and clicks “Save”. The system now displays the following alert message as shown below:
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- All the recurring appointments that are created will be displayed with a symbol in the Calendar home page as shown below:
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- All the calendar appointments that have participants selected in the Participants list box will be displayed with a Shared symbol in the Calendar home page as shown below:
![]() |
Tip to schedule a recurring calendar appointment
To schedule a recurring calendar appointment, perform the following steps:
- Go to Collaboration->Calendar->New Calendar screen – Specify the subject for the appointment and click onRecurrence link. The system refreshes and displays theAppointment Recurrence screen as shown below:
![]() Appointment Recurrence Screen |
- Specify the calendar recurrence start time and end time from the fields available in theAppointment Timesection of the Appointment Recurrence screen.
- In the Recurrence Pattern section, indicate the frequency of the appointment as: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly. The user can also have an option to select on which day, the calendar appointment needs to recur.
- Enter the day and month, as well as any other options in the Recurrence Pattern section that are specific to your selection.
- In the Range of Recurrence section, enter appropriate time limits according to these guidelines:
- Start: Choose the date on which the recurring appointments will begin.
- No End Date: Choose this option if the recurring appointments are not on a limited schedule.
- End After: Choose this option and enter the number of appointments if there is a specific limit to the recurring appointments.
- End By: Choose this option and enter an ending date to limit the number of recurring appointments.
- Click OK to apply the selected calendar recurrence settings. The system displays the selected recurrence information in the calendar screen.
- Click Cancel to cancel the recurrence pattern screen.
Creating All Day events
An All day event is an event that lasts for an entire day. The start time and end time for an all day event is fixed and is not editable. The Start Time and End Time of an All day event are 12:00AM and 11:45PM.
Tip to create an All day event:
To create an All day event, do the following:
- Go to Calendar home page, click on the All Day link.
- The system displays the New Appointment screen. Enter the required details in the New Appointment screen and click on “Save” link to save the new appointment. The appointment will be saved and displayed in the Calendar home page.
- Click Close link to close the New Appointment screen.
Tip to create a normal event in Monthly Calendar view:
- By default, all the events created in the Monthly Calendar view are “All day events”.
- To create a normal event in Monthly Calendar view:
- Click on any day link in the Monthly Calendar view. The system displays the Add Appointmentscreen with All day event check box option selected.
- Clear the All day event checkbox option. The system enables the Start Time and End Timefields of the appointment.
- Now, select the required time range for the appointment from the fields provided and specify any other details and finally click on “Save” link to create a normal appointment.
- The system refreshes by creating and displaying the appointment in the Monthly Calendar home page.
- The user has to open and view each calendar appointment to distinguish them between a normal appointment and all day event.
You can send an invitation to all the external contacts whose email addresses exists in the system. The invitation event can be sent for the following:
- Employees
- CRM – Contacts and Candidates
- Address Book – Contacts
- Any other contact that does not exist in the system
To send an invitation to an external contact, do the following:
- Open a new calendar appointment screen by clicking on any selected time range in theCalendar home page. The system displays the New Appointment screen.
- Click on Select Participants link available under Participants list box. The system displays the Select Participants screen.
- In the Select Participants screen, the user can search and select any external contact and add it to the Participants List section. All the added external contacts will be made available for the invitations.
- The user can also add other participants email addresses using comma separated underEnter Participants box.
Sending Invitations
- When the user sends an invitation using calendar appointment, the system now will do the following:
- Display the invitation in the eDesk – Invitations section of the Invitee.
- An email will be sent to the Invitee with the following options in the email body: ACCEPT, TENTATIVEand DECLINE.
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- In the above email body, the user can do the following:
- Click on ACCEPT link to accept the invitation. The system will do the following:
- Send a reply to the owner of the invitation regarding the invitation status. And also the invitation displayed in the Invitations section will disappear and display in the Calendar section of eDesk and Collaboration for the Invitee.
- The invitation will be removed from the Email – Inbox and moved to the Trash folder. When the user goes to the Trash folder and click on Tentative or Decline, the invitation will be removed permanently from the system
- Click on TENTATIVE link to accept the invitation temporarily.
- Click on DECLINE link to reject the invitation. The system will do the following:
- Send a reply mail to the owner of the invitation showing the status as Declined.
- The invitation will be removed from Email – Inbox and moved to the Trash folder. When the user goes to Trash folder and clicks on Accept or Tentative link, the invitation will be made available for the invitee in the Email – Inbox and also in the eDesk – Calendar.
Accept/Tentative/Decline the Invitation in the email body:
- Clicking on ACCEPT/TENTATIVE/DECLINE in the email body displays the following dialog box.
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- In the above window,
- The user can enter the notes while accepting/tentative/declining the invitation in the email body.
- Clicking Save & Send Response will allow the user to send the response. If the user wishes to send comments, then the Include notes in the response check box should be selected.
- Clicking Save & Don’t Send Response will allow the user to save the notes without sending the response.
- Clicking Cancel will cancel the dialog box.
- Once the user accepts the invitation by clicking on ACCEPT link in the email body. The system sends a reply mail to the owner of the invitation showing the status as Accepted and also the ACCEPT link color in the email body changes to Red color font.
- If the user wants to accept the invitation for the second time, then the user should click onTENTATIVE or DECLINE link. After changing the status of the invitation to TENTATIVE or DECLINE, the user can click on ACCEPT link for second time. Unless the user clicks on TENTATIVE or DECLINE link, the system will not show the ACCEPT link in clickable mode.
I. Editing an Appointment without Participants
To edit an appointment without Participants,
- Click on the required appointment displayed in the Calendar home page. The system displays the calendar appointment in edit mode.
- Make the required changes and click on Update to save the changes.
- Click Close to close the appointment screen.
II. Editing an Appointment with Participants
To edit an appointment with Participants,
- Click on the required appointment displayed in the Calendar home page. The system displays the calendar appointment in edit mode.
- Make the required changes and click on Update to save the new changes. The system displays the following alert message:
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If you add any new participants for an existing appointment and clickUpdate. The system now displays the following alert message:
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III. Editing an Recurring Appointment
- When you open any calendar appointment that has recurrence set and if you make the required changes and finally click on Update to save the new changes, the system now displays the following alert message:
![]() |
- In the above screen,
- Click on Only this Instance button, if you wish to change only this instance of the calendar event.
- Click on All Events in the Series button, if you wish to change all the events in the series of the calendar event.
- Click on Cancel button, if you wish to cancel the alert message.
- Clicking on any of the above 2 buttons (Only this instance/All Events in the Series) will display the following alert message:
![]() |
- The above alert will be displayed only if the appointment has any guests invited previously.
Deleting Appointment
I. Deleting an Appointment without Participants (Without Recurrence)
To delete an appointment without Participants,
- Click on the required appointment you want to delete. The system displays the appointment in edit mode.
- Click on the Delete link to delete the appointment. The system displays the following alert message:
![]() |
- Click OK to delete the appointment. The system refreshes by removing the appointment from the Calendars home page.
- Click Cancel to cancel the alert message.
II. Deleting an Appointment with Participants
To delete an appointment with Participants,
- Click on the required appointment you want to delete. The system displays the appointment in edit mode.
- Click on the Delete link to delete the appointment. The system displays the following alert message:
![]() |
- Clicking OK displays the following message as shown below:
![]() |
- The above alert will be displayed only if the appointment has any guests invited previously.
III. Deleting Recurring Appointment
- When you open any calendar event that has recurrence set and click onDelete link, the system now displays the following alert message:
![]() |
- In the above screen,
- Click on Only this Instance button, if you wish to delete only this instance of the calendar event.
- Click on All Events in the Series button, if you wish to delete all the events in the series of the calendar event.
- Click on Cancel button, if you wish to cancel the alert message.
- Clicking on any of the above 2 buttons (Only this instance/All Events in the Series) will display the following alert message:
Print Calendar
AkkenCloud Staffing allows you to print your calendar and other calendars as well. By default, the Day view of calendar will be displayed.
To print the calendar, perform the following steps:
- Select the Day, by clicking on the date, from the left side calendar area. The Calendar screen refreshes by displaying the selected day’s calendar on the right side of the screen.
- By default, the current day’s calendar of the logged in user will be displayed.
- You can select other users’ calendar also from the ‘View Others’ drop down list. The Calendar screen refreshes by displaying the selected user’s, selected day’s calendar.
- Click on Print link available at the top right corner of the screen. The system refreshes and displays the following screen as shown below:
![]() Print Calendar Screen |
- In the above screen, select the output mode of the printed calendar from Select Printerlist box.
- Once you have specified the print options, finally click onPrint button. The selected day’s calendar of the selected user is printed, in the selected printer medium.
- If you select printer mode as Adobe PDF from Select Printer box, the PDF output of the Calendar will be generated as follows:
![]() Day Calendar printed in PDF output |
- You can also have an option to print the Weekly, Monthly andYearly calendars views.
- To print theWeekly/Monthly/YearlyCalendar views:
- Select the required calendar view (Weekly/Monthly/Yearly) by clicking on the corresponding Week, Month and Year links. The system refreshes by displaying the selected calendar view.
- Now, click on Print link available at the top right corner of the screen to print the calendar view.
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